Festival 2025


Oct 27 -
Jan 23 2025


La Picnolepsia de Thsombe

Picnolepsia : Absence seizures, also known as petit mal or petit mal seizures, are a type of generalized seizure characterized by brief episodes of altered state of consciousness or "absences" and abnormal EEG activity. Term used by Paul Virilio in his book "The Aesthetics of Disappearance" Moisé Tshombe : leader of the Katanga's secession (DRC, formerly Zaire) in the 60's during the country's independence from Belgian colonists. After being charged with the murder of anti colonialist democratically elected leader Patrice Lumumba and having a politically eventful life, he went into exile in Franco's Spain. Once there a bizarre international plot led by the countries that used to be his allies (USA,England and UN), weaves his abduction following a pretended business trip to Mallorca. He ended up imprisoned in a military camp in Algeria where he died two years later.To capture this Picnolesias of this character in the last days before his abduction and during this. To relate it to the propaganda war procedure employed half a century ago that results so familiar to XXI century imperialist actions presented as Enduring Freedom Operations, color revolutions and wars against the axis of evil would be the ultimate intention. By allowing Tshombé settle in Madrid not as a refugee but as active politician in complete oblivion of his criminal past and unashamedly into his equally criminal plans, Spain collaborated on the survival of imperialism in Africa in favor of Belgium, USA and multinational mining companies in Katanga, as well as the serious violation of human rights of the Congolese population. Not only he had the support of Francisco Franco but with part of the propaganda of the regime media (ABC, Arriba, ..) Even today, 50 years after these political struggles of life and death, when tragedy of the DRC continues unabated, the role played by Spain is hidden. By looking to the past,to the origins, to my own history. I try to understand the present, the imbalance in the world order, the consequences.Top manta. This project is intended as a mosaic or collage of photographic images, archive files and photos, and newspaper publications of the time. "Time is aware automatically welded to form a continuity without apparent cuts" Paul Virilio ("The Aesthetics of Disappearance"). «La politique et l'art (...) construit des fictions, ce est à dire des assemblages de matériaux de signes et d'images, de la relation entre ce que nous voyons et ce que nous disons, entre ce que nous faisons et que nous pouvons faire?" Jacques Rancière



Gloria Oyarzabal is the co-founder and programmer at the independent cinema “La Enana Marrón” in Madrid (1999-2009), dedicated to the diffusion of author, experimental and alternative cinema. Since 1996 she worked in the cinema world taking care of artistic direction and photography of experimental short films & documentaries. Gloria lived in Bamako, Mali between 2009 and 2012. She graduated on Conservation & Restoration of Art in 1993 and she earned a bachelor degree in Fine Arts from Complutense University. She also taught “Analysis of Architectural Forms” at IADE between 2001 and 2010. She has a Master in Development of personal photographic projects.


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